入學申請所需文件 Application Required Documents

  1. 申請人近照(三個月內所拍攝的護照尺寸照片)
    Recent passport-sized photo of the applicant (within 3 months)

  2. 申請人護照內照片頁的副本
    A copy of the photograph page of the applicant’s passport

  3. 申請人護照內簽證頁的副本(如適用)
    A copy of the visa/permit page of the applicant’s passport (if applicable)

  4. 申請人出世紙的副本
    A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate

  5. 申請人香港身份證的副本(如適用)
    A copy of the applicant’s Hong Kong ID (if applicable)

  6. 申請人近兩年內的學校成績表
    Copies of the applicant’s school reports from the past two academic years

  7. 報名費港幣一千元正的支票或入數證明(不能退款)
    A non-refundable application fee of HK$1000 (cheque or a copy of the transfer receipt)

    上海商業銀行帳號 Shanghai Commercial Bank Account: 328-24-33671-0
    銀行編號 Bank Code: 025
    帳戶名稱 Account Name: 迪教育集團有限公司 Innovative Education Group Limited